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Compressorhead: the heaviest metal band

January 9, 2013

Australian heavy-metal band Compressorhead is actually made of metal — about six tons of it!  It features three and a half musicians which rock the house on drums, lead guitar, and bass guitar.  (What, no keyboard?  We can only assume that’s coming.)

The lead guitarist is “Fingers,” perhaps so named because he has 78 of them.  That’s Fingers pictured at right.  Fingers was created by Kernschrott Robots in Germany.

On drums is “Stickboy,” the oldest member of the band.  He features 4 arms, and plays a 14-piece drum kit with double-kick bass.  He gets a bit of assistance from Stickboy Junior, who you can just see crouching under the hihat in the video below.  Stickboy was created by Robocross Machines, also in Germany.

The newest member of the band is Bones, on bass guitar.  Bones is the most humanoid of the three, right down to his human-looking hands, but he still rocks out on a standard bass.

The group is currently touring Australia with a variety of rock covers, from Motorhead, Zepplin, and AC/DC to Ramones and Nirvana.  Check out the video of them playing Ace of Spades:

I absolutely love the tech, but is it art?  What do you think?  Could a concert of robot musicians ever have the same energy and excitement as one with human performers?  Weigh in with your thoughts below.

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